Saturday, March 13, 2021

Sustainability in the suburbs - is it worth it?

 So, it’s been a long time since I have blogged. I am picking it back up as an alternative to posting to FB. 

This year, we are in a new house, (new construction) with no landscaping at all.  I am one year post- cancer diagnosis (and surgery) and also a year into a global pandemic.  I have been dreaming of a vegetable garden like the old days.

So, first I bought a little mini-greenhouse.  And a TON of seeds.

Then, I got some stuff to start seeds.

Beauty!! So, then I started thinking and dreaming about my garden.  I looked around the property and thought about making these large 4x6 ft garden beds on the west side of my property.  Maybe 8 or 9 of them.  There was plenty of room and lots of sun.  Then I researched the cost of materials. OMG!!!  It was going to be upwards of $700 to do what I wanted.  Can I justify all of that for the price of good vegetables at the farmers market?  Gardening is my therapy, so I can always say it's cheaper than a therapist.  But, I really wanted to have a win-win.  Really fresh, garden to table food for less than buying it.

So, considering budget, time, strength and capabilities, I starting thinking in other directions.  Suddenly, I remembered some wooden crates we had in the garage.

Those had been purchased for another project, which we didn't end up doing.  Then I thought, what if I used them for mini-beds?  So, I bought some heavy duty landscaping fabric and a staple gun and voila!  Mini-beds.  I made four today - tomorrow I will finish them.  

I used a potting soil made just for container gardens, added vermiculite, worm castings and mixed it all up.  This mixture should retain water well and after planting the plants, I will cover the soil with some mulch.  

Then I found a nice spot next to the fence and some old landscaping timbers that we had just laying around.  I put down some cardboard under them to block the weeds.

I am figuring that I can plant two tomatoes, 3 cucumbers or 4 peppers in each one.  I can probably start some carrots, radishes, beets and greens right in the beds tomorrow (March 14).  I have started some tomatoes, peppers, chilis and flowers in the greenhouse.  Stay tuned to see what I can get growing! Can't wait to eat these fresh veggies!